Floating in the belly of the peloton, my thoughts drifted to the off season as they often did during late autumn races. A team rode a steady speed on the…

The Classics: “A Sport Where You Eat The Other Rider’s Lunch First”
By Michael Barry Photography by Camille J. McMillan Cycling has traditionally been a working class sport. From the first races over a century ago, a bicycle became an escape from…

Winter (Excerpt from Le Metier)
By Michael Barry Photography by Camille McMillan In bed, lying awake in the darkness, everything from the past and future swirls together to calm or create anxiety. Once the lights…
Flying or Ragged
Throughout the Tour de France photographer Scott Mitchell followed Team Sky as he is working on a book with my teammate Brad Wiggins. Based on the work I have seen the…
Le Métier. The seasons of a professional cyclist.
On a cold rainy winter day, while I was climbing a mountain in solitude, ideas were floating through my head as my heart rate increased with the effort. I thought…